St Leonard's CE Primary School

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As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation.

We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • Target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity.
  • Develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation.
  • Prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas.
  • Address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks.

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable. 



Governor Category Term of Office Committees Links
Luke Bridges Head Ex Officio
Rose Patey (Chair) Foundation Governor

End Date:


Performance Management


Pupil Premium


Ruth Spencer Staff

End Date:


Chris Jew Co-opted End Date:  24/11/2025
Rebecca Ashman Co-opted End Date: 09/11/2025 Sports Premium
Trish Ashling Staff

End Date:


Vacancy Co-opted
Zoe Lunn Parent End Date: 03/06/2028
Rebecca Rochester Parent End Date: 03/06/2028
Vacancy Foundation Governor (ex officious)
Vacancy Foundation Governor
Vacancy Co-opted