Little Lenny's Wraparound
Session Times
Morning Session - from 7.30am
£4.00 per session.
Parents can drop their child/ren off to at the Key Stage 2 fire door from 7.30am onwards. Children will be given breakfast in the morning consisting of toast or cereal and squash.
There will be light activities throughout this session such as colouring and board games. Children are then taken to their classrooms ready for the school day.
After-School Session - until 5.30pm
£6.50 per session.
Children will be collected from class and taken to the Key Stage 2 Hall. There are various activities running throughout the week from sports, crafts, films, board games, colouring etc.
Parents can collect their child/ren anytime up to 5.30pm from Key Stage 2 fire door. Children staying beyond 4pm will be offered a light tea which will consist of sandwiches, and toast.
If your child is not staying beyond 4pm please pack them a healthy snack.
Booking a session
Please log onto ParentPay to book you sessions for Morning and After-School.
The cut off is 12pm on the day of which you are booking.
If you need emergency wraparound please call the School Office and we will see if there is space available. However, no guarantees can be made.